
Triton Smith, otherwise known as Triton, is a 19-year-old artist based in Vancouver, BC and attending university in Toronto, ON. Solely self-produced & self-written, Triton began independently releasing music online at 14 years old, since then releasing two acclaimed alternative rock EPs, the second of which, So Far So Good, receiving radio play nationwide and bringing in large audiences to local venues in Vancouver and Toronto. Triton’s music has grown into a fusion of diverse genres including post-rock, experimental electronic, neo-soul, hip-hop & more, resulting in a fresh sound being brought to the Canadian independent scene. Audiences will find Triton and his band, the Tritonettes, to have an electrifying sound and stage presence, demonstrating the love and joy for music the frontman and his band share. Triton’s complex rhythms, addictive ‘ear-worm’ production, and thoughtful lyricism ensure his uniqueness as a writer, producer, and artist.


         “Smith has been involved with music his whole young life, noting that his father and grandfather were both musicians, keeping music in the family. Taking music classes as a youth resulted in his first release of music in 2020, noting how self-isolating at the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic “was a great outlet” for him “during that time.” Immersing himself in Vancouver’s underground indie scene was a turning point for him. “I started meeting other musicians who were around my area playing shows with them, meeting people working together, and that completely changed my perception on what I could accomplish,” he said.

         Though it’s clear [Triton’s] style is grounded in the alternative fashion, none of his songs sound alike to each other. Raspy guitar, a stylistically dynamic voice, and clever allusions are what make Smith’s music stand out. Triton’s songs craft vivid moods within the brain — grainy pictures, bus rides home at night pretending you’re a character in a film, speedwalking across campus, or overthinking in your bedroom. Regardless of the image, Smith has something for you.”

– Yasmin Hassan for The Peak Magazine.

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